Orange County Criminal Defense

15 -Year-Old Saved from Prostitution

November 21, 2013

Fred Thiagarajah

Oxnard Police raided a home after a tip from an anonymous caller that a 15-year-old girl was forced to perform sexual acts with older men.

Rolando Navarette, 34, and Graciela Vasquez, 23, were found in the house and taken into custody for the alleged charges of forcing a girl into prostitution. 10 other children were also found in the North Harrison Avenue home ranging from 5 months to 13 years old. These children were turned over to protective services for the time being.

Apparently Vasquez had given a ride to the victim to the house, but their relationship is still unclear. For the full story, click here.

Navarette and Vazquez can be charged with violations of pimping and pandering as defined by Penal Code sections 266h or 266i. The punishment for pimping or pandering a minor, under the age of 16, is state prison for three, six or eight years.


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